How will I know if CHARLESKEITH.COM has received my order?
You can check your order history in My Orders, and you can also check through the email sent after completing the order.
If you do not receive a confirmation email within 30 minutes or if you do not see your order history in My Orders, your order has not been received and payment has not been completed.
Please check your spam or junk for the order confirmation email and contact our customer service team if you require assistance.

Paid orders can be canceled within 23:59 on the day of order.

Please note that orders cannot be canceled after 12:00 on the day of order. For member orders, go to "My Order" after logging into your account to initiate the cancellation process. For non-member orders, go to “Order Status" to initiate the cancellation process. Once you have successfully canceled your order, a refund will be processed through your original payment method. This refund may take up to 2 to 3 working days to appear in your account. Upon completion of the refund, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address registered on your account.

All orders, including cancelled orders, will be recorded in your purchase history. To reorder, sign in to your account, go to My Account and then to My Orders. Locate the View Order Details button that corresponds to your order. You can view the items you have cancelled and add them back to your shopping cart.
All items you have added to your shopping bag remain unless you complete the payment or delete the item.
If your order was cancelled and your payment was captured, you will be refunded via your original payment mode. Please allow up to 2 to 3 working days for payment to be refunded. Upon completion of the refund, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address registered on your account. This depends on your payment services provider, If you have not received your refund after 2 to 3 working days, contact your card issuer directly for assistance.
Reservations cannot be made just because items are added to the shopping bag and there is a possibility that they may be sold out in case of limited quantities.
If your order was not successfully placed, please check that the correct address, postal code and authentication code (if applicable) were used. Do note that periods (.) and commas (,) are the only recognized characters within the order fields.
Please provide a screenshot of the page where you experienced the error, or copy the error message and send it to for further assistance.