Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH


2020 最具校園回憶的穿搭特輯

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH


— Cecile Bahnsen

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH


— Cecile Bahnsen

CHARLES & KEITH 很榮幸宣布本次與來自哥本哈根的設計師Cecilie Bahnsen攜手合作。


Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH

以永恆、休閒卻充滿細節的獨特風格創造女性時尚而聞名Cecilie Bahnsen,在高級時裝與成衣市場間走出一條屬於自己的道路。生於哥本哈根的她於倫敦皇家藝術學院求學並經歷巴黎高級時裝店的工作後,於2015年回到家鄉並於同年創立同名品牌。巧妙運用超乎常人想像力的強烈對比手法,融合法式精緻時尚與斯堪地那維亞的設計文化,是服飾與眾不同的秘密。

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH

以永恆、休閒卻充滿細節的獨特風格創造女性時尚而聞名Cecilie Bahnsen,在高級時裝與成衣市場間走出一條屬於自己的道路。生於哥本哈根的她於倫敦皇家藝術學院求學並經歷巴黎高級時裝店的工作後,於2015年回到家鄉並於同年創立同名品牌。巧妙運用超乎常人想像力的強烈對比手法,融合法式精緻時尚與斯堪地那維亞的設計文化,是服飾與眾不同的秘密。

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH

聯名系列包含三款瑪莉珍鞋以及一款穆勒鞋。如同設計師一貫的美學概念,鞋款樣式與配色延續Cecilie Bahnsen於2019秋冬秀場首次登場的設計,除了她最擅長的黑白經典,也多了春夏活力蓬勃的色彩,如檸檬黃穆勒鞋。

Note: Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH is currently not available in Malaysia. Speak with our customer service team using the live chat function to find out how to purchase this exclusive collection.

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH

為呼應永續時尚理念,我們希望能夠減少使用多餘耗材的機會,並賦予原物料全新的生命力,本次採用的獨特拼布便是運用Bahnsen於前幾季剩餘的布料,經由升級處理再製成的。而手繪衍縫刺繡緞面則是經由CHARLES & KEITH提供的環保緞面製成。

Cecilie Bahnsen提起自己總是無法拒絕校服的吸引力,這也說明了為何她喜愛CHARLES & KEITH聯名系列中的瑪莉珍剪裁,不僅將傳統瑪莉珍鞋款陽剛與陰柔的對比特質應用於本次的設計之外,更完美平衡CHARLES & KEITH的經典與Bahnsen的精準美感,創造出本系列獨特絕美的藝術品。

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH @yoyokulala
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH @lindatol_
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH @lifeofboheme
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH @erika_boldrin
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH @tamumcpherson
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH @maria_bernad
Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH @ninakoltchitskaia
Yoyo Cao

"On my tippy toes, if my childhood dance teacher could see me now."

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Linda Tol

"My mum has a deep interest in fashion and I guess it rubbed off on me. Growing up, she loved to dress me and my sister up for school. It looked like it was my birthday every day."

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Marta Cygan

"At the age of 6 I moved from Poland to France, without knowing how to speak French. I also still didn’t know how to tie my shoes. My brother, who went to the same school as me, would always do it for me at the school playground. I will never forget the terrifying first day of school when I asked him, 'Lukas, can you tie my shoes?'"

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Erika Boldrin

"I remember when I would walk to school in my ballerina pumps and a head full of thoughts. I loved the morning light, especially when it was spring with the smell of the flowers."

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Tamu McPherson

"I remember when I used to walk from my house to my best friend’s house when I was a little girl living in Nyack, New York. I knew I was close whenever I saw the Hudson River beyond the tree-lined streets."

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Maria Bernad

"I remember being the 'weird girl' in school, who would wear dark clothes and listen to rock music. I am still that girl."

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH
Nina Koltchitskaia

"When I was six, I decided that I had super powers. One of them was the ability to speak the language of the wind and control it. I dreamt that I would order the wind to take me up in the sky and fly me to magical lands filled with flowers, like the one in The Wizard of Oz."

Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH

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Note: Cecilie Bahnsen X CHARLES & KEITH is currently not available in Malaysia. Speak with our customer service team using the live chat function to find out how to purchase this exclusive collection.